Anchors and ground tackle
In the last week anchors and ground tackle have gone missing from the Committee Boat and Fun Yak without the knowledge of Captain Safety Boats. Chris Hosken makes a considerable effort to maintain the boats so that members can sail in safety. It is vitally important that the boats are maintained and carry the correct equipment. As an RYA recognised training centre the Club and its equipment have to pass a rigorous inspection by the RYA and the lack of anchors on safety boats would result in a fail and curtail of Junior Sailing.
Accidents do happen – for instance throwing the anchor without ensuring it is tied to the boat – embarrassing it may be but someone needs to be told so that it is replaced.
Please note that the anchors and tackle at the Club be they on boats or sailing marks are there for a reason. Should you consider such items are required elsewhere ask your team leader – just don’t do what you think is right as it impacts others.
Should anyone have any information concerning the whereabouts of the missing items please contact me [email protected]
Clive Dudley
Rear Commodore Sailing