Strong Easterlies ….

It’s looking like with the forecast for tomorrow’s dinghy racing (Thursday) and Sundays, we are going to have to cancel.

Especially as it is going to be wind against tide !

So next race is going to be Thursday evening 29th April and then some race training on the Sunday 2nd.

If any one can help with safety boats on any of these days or for other races please contact me.

Cheers Duncan 07817875706

Great to be out on the water!

Great sail today, even some planing at times. A few early season ‘technical hitches’ through the fleet!

So here is the results for today’s warm-up race.


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The end of season dinghies results 2020.

So the results for this year’s dinghy racing are sorted!!
Well done everyone it has be quite a year and anything but normal!
The main thing is we got out sailing and had fun, so a big thankyou to everyone who has helped and taken part it has been quite a learning process for us all….
So the results

Summer series
1st Tim Laws
2nd Freya Skingley
3rd Duncan Skingley

Autumn series
1st Phil Philpott
2nd Duncan Skingley
3rd Lily Butler

And 2 special prizes

Lily Butler for being the only junior to win a race and in fact she won 2 in the end !! Well done!!

And Bob Shepherd for sticking with it despite not being in a great boat and often bringing up the rear but always with a smile, well done !!

Dinghy Racing

Hi All

We’ll be racing most Thursday evenings and Sundays, subject to weather conditions. All will be welcome and there are club boats available subject to booking.

For this to happen we are going to need volunteers to crew the committee / support boats maybe in some form of rota so we can all get some racing in as well ! If you are interested please contact me.

There will I am afraid a few restrictions to help keep us all safe.

Boats can be ether single handed or crewed by a family group/bubble.

Club boats must have a 72 hour gap between use by different family groups/bubbles, unless the boat and gear has been disinfected by an approved method.

Wind conditions will be restricted to 20mph (force 4 touching 5) max, maybe using xcweather forecast for helford as cut off but final decision should take sea conditions, tides and squalls into account. Also the ability of the sailors should be considered (general we say level 3 standard or above) This is to minimize the need for sailors needing help and reducing the chance of the committee / support boat crew having to put them or others at risk.

The final decision should be made by the race officer taking the above into account and completing the new dinghies risk assessment sheet before each race session .

The towing should be done in a line from the stern of the committee boat if needed ( extra floating line has been put on the rib and fun yak)

Committee / support boat crew should be of the same family group / bubble and be required to sign a declaration to say the understand the risks of maybe having to come into close contact during a rescue situation and the the club has put measures in place to reduce that risk.

We must all keep gatherings below 30 people on land and in groups of no more than 6 people so please give each other space when rigging and launching keeping at least 2m apart. 

Hope to see you all out sailing soon 


Duncan Skingley 


[email protected]