Colin Charles Brown

Many club members were saddened to hear that Colin Brown had recently passed away. The club would like to offer our deepest sympathy to his family. Here is an obituary written by his son Matt with contributions from friends and a picture of Colin at the helm of his Drascombe Coaster “Aziz”.

It is with much regret that we inform you of the untimely death of club member, Colin Brown. Those that had the pleasure of knowing Colin will remember him as a quietly spoken, unassuming man with a Nottingham accent; (which Cornwall never eradicated) and who was always willing to help others.

Colin became a member of HRSC from 2004 after acquiring his first boat, a Wayfarer,  “Hobo” , which he used to enjoy exploring the sailing opportunities offered on the Helford River. He sailed Hobo extensively; frequently to Falmouth, St Mawes and Coverack, enjoying the simple pleasure of being on the water and feeling the wind on his face.

He was a great supporter of the Club, leading the Adult Sailing/Wayfarer group for three years, providing leadership when it was needed. He passed on his knowledge of sailing to anyone who needed it. Often, when becalmed on a Tuesday evening Wayfarer night, waiting for the tide to turn or for the rescue boat to actually fulfil its function, Colin’s Nottingham accent would drift over the water and could be heard describing all sorts of information to novice sailors which he deemed essential for the safe sailing of Wayfarers.

Dave Sumner has an abiding memory of Colin on one of the club Wayfarers, on a starboard tack in a stiff breeze balancing on the larboard gunnel and traversing the river at a rate of knots, revelling in the joy of the moment of being lucky enough to be part of such a wonderful sport.

Chris Cuff remembers that in 2013 Colin decided to add to his collection and bought a Drascombe Coaster, Aziza, that soon became his pride and joy, which he kept on a mooring just off the Clubhouse. Colin sailed Aziza in local waters, often running up to Mylor, Fowey or Falmouth whenever the weather was in his favour, as well as further afield. He had so much pleasure from being on the water, sailing with family and friends, sharing his passion and all Helford has to offer.

Colin was hoping to retire this year and teach his two grandsons, Gruff and Gwyd, to sail and love the water as much as he did. Aziza will be on the water again this year helmed by his son, Matthew and son-in-law Owain, to continue the great legacy Colin left behind.

He died peacefully at home on Sunday 18th April 2021, leaving his wife Linda, his son Matt and daughter Kerensa. In addition he will be missed by his son-in-law and daughter-in-law together with his two grandchildren. As the funeral is being held in Nottingham on the 5th of May 2021, a donation to the Brain Tumour section of Cancer Research UK, instead of flowers, would be appreciated by the family.

He was a ‘gentleman’ and will be missed by those who had the privilege of knowing him.

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