Dinghy Racing: April 23rd


Spring Series Thursday 23rd April 2015 : Triangular Average Lap x 2 UCD Wind ESE3

23-04-2015 4First Race
It’s always best to get the first race done discretely, particularly if the boat or brain were left in a metaphorical compost heap for the winter. In what could only be described as blatant trolley neglect McD spent most of Thursday evening swapping boats, sails, trolleys, & banter – in quite possibly a novel attempt to distract the opposition. Andy & Hamish Biggs in Committee boat – blissfully unaware of the protracted comings & goings at the dinghy park – had plenty of time to lay a delightful triangular course, and for a quick nap before the fleet’s tardy arrival.

For most of the week an easterly wind had piled surf and sunshine into the Helford, but abated as per forecast to a gentle ESE breeze & swell. Indistinct in the haze, the first mark at Central proved elusive as racers, dressed for Armageddon, sweated, and toiled on the beat to a fuzzy memory of where the mark should be. McD’s memory and strategy proved correct as he first rounded central for the reach to Durgan. Aided by a gentle swell on the shifty run to Trebah, Brooks was clearly overwhelmed by the idea of getting closer to the front of the fleet and went off in the wrong direction at the leeward mark. Phil Samuel’s immaculate boat preparation and bicycling throughout winter led to his seemingly effortless performance in a gleaming Solo as he elegantly cruised to a third, 5 close seconds behind the Lasers.

With a combined age in the region of 180 the top 3 helms on the day prove that competitive dinghy racing is suitable to all. Newcomers, are always welcome at HRSC so if simply dipping your toes in or ready to challenge our teenage hotshots contact Captain Dinghies Andy Biggs via 01326 231006

Results 1st R McDonald 2nd S Brooks, 3rd P Samuel

Captain Dinghies Andy Biggs thanks all those in support of the fleet on the day
Safety Boat: Andy & Hamish Biggs


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