Dinghy Racing: April 26th
Spring Weekend Series Sunday 26th April 2015 :
Triangular Average Lap x 2 BCX Wind N3-4
A Pin Tale
A faultless Met Office forecast for Thursday’s racing gave way to one that lost 15 & 35mph gusts over 36hrs for Sunday. Culdrose recorded a sun blessed 11-14MPH during the race – perfect for a spring’s first outing. Thus a cosy little fleet set of from Bosahan without the un-persuaded – usually attired in wetsuit shorties, or indeed shorts of the red kind. The Met Office is still working with their old 2009 £33 million computer – before a new 140 tonne £97 million replacement begins service in September 2015, reaching full capacity by 2017. In the Interim, keep wetting the forefinger.
Each race was decided almost from the start, with Roger McDonald taking a 30 yard advantage the Pin end offered in shifty conditions of the lee shore. It took the first race to loosen the rust from Andy Biggs navigational gyros – giving away, as he did, near 50 seconds per lap. Despite voluntarily acknowledging the error of his starting ways, Biggsey was again lured to the Committee boat for the start of the second race. Giving himself a stiff and unrepeatable talking to, and a kick to the gyros, Andy’s resolve returned and caught McD half way to Central.
Whispering in his old & faithful Laser’s ear with a promise both: to polish her bottom, and buy a shiny new mast before the next race; McD encouraged his charge to victory by 7 small seconds.
Results 1st R McDonald 2nd A Biggs
Captain Dinghies Andy Biggs thanks all those in support of the fleet on the day
Safety Boat: Stephen Brooks