Dinghy Racing: October 4th
Autumn Weekend Series Sunday 4th October 2015: SE Linestart Wind SE 4-6
Lazerette Lashing
Nick Glossop – ably assisted by a sleepy-eyed Ben Johns, rose to the challenge for his first Helford Race Officer duty, competently setting a delightful beat South East from Trebah out to Gew. With its back to the wind, trees and cliff’s protect the dinghy park, deceiving the unwary to what lies around the corner. Mid morning, the Met Office’s promise duly delivered 10-25kts of bliss. Bliss, that is, for Lazerettes Matt Broad and Beks Hosking comprehensively thrashing the seniors in both real and handicap time with a 1-2.
There is no secret to sailing the Laser into the wind in a good breeze; it has to be sailed flat and upright and that’s why there are four sizes of sail catering for all sizes of helm. Shadowing the leading Wayfarer, Matt & Beks relentlessly chased each other the entire race with Matt delivering the coup de grace in the final seconds at Bosahan
By contrast, in the over powered slow fleet, Brooks & Andrew Hosking fighting in the Heavyweight section (90+kg) could not stay on their feet under the sustained assault from Bantamweight Dave Philpott in the Solo class. Dave’s experience over many years at club and national level saw him able to coax and tempt his large sail to a mostly calm yet always dry canter.
Attempting to hide from the wind on the first beat to Gew in the Laser Two, Andrew Hosking battered the swell along the south shore; multitasked his way back into contention with the spinnaker on the reach back to Trebah. Second time round, Andrew was less lucky on the gybe under Toll, turning the Two turtle. Paul Greensmith in safety, handsomely & divinely crewed by son Sam & fiancé Amandine, attended the supine racer who seemed to take rather, and perhaps wistfully, longer than usual to return to the fray.
A few minutes later on an uncontrolled reach to Central, Brooks’ Laser tossed him in, a just reward for any gloating – concealed or otherwise over his rival’s demise.
Results: 1st M Broad, 2nd R Hosking, 3rd R Kestin & McD
Captain Dinghies: Andy Biggs thanks all those in support of the fleet on the day
Committee: N Glossop, B Johns
Safety: P Greensmith, S Greensmith & Amandine
Photography: © D Flunder
Following: C Broa