Helford River Navigational Aids Committee Update

To all HRSC members from Helford River Navigational Aids Committee

Just an update on the navigational buoys in the river as at June 2016.

August Rock buoy replaced with a “new” buoy. New Light that is longer range. Green flash every 5 seconds
( Picked it up 3.2 miles out on a clear night at beginning of June)

Voose buoy rebuilt in stainless steel and base repainted.

Car Croc replaced with brand new east cardinal buoy. In addition it is now lit. Flash Quick (3) 10 seconds.

Bar buoy. Cleaned and repaired

A special thanks to HRSC for their help and to all those individuals who have contributed. If you have been meaning to contribute financially but just not got down to it, then it isn’t too late! There are continual ongoing running costs for this voluntary committee.

Email John Head (chairman HRNAC) at [email protected] for details

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