Helford to L’Aber Wrac’h Race report 2024

The 63rd Helford to L’Aber Wrac’h race was held on 28th June 2024. There were 23 yachts entered, 5 French and 18 English, taking on the challenge of the Channel crossing. Three yachts took the decision not to start so 21 yachts crossed the line with a good westerly breeze. Unfortunately the wind died at dusk and did not return so no yachts were able to finish the race before the time limit was up. 14 yachts used their ‘Iron topsails’ to reach L’Aber Wrac’h in time for the reception at Yacht Club des Abers.

Rob Hewett gave a speech en francais. He said:

‘It is always difficult to manage the race when there is no wind, and too much wind. Sometimes entrants are not happy with their handicap or ask that we change how the race is run. But we must remember that historically one of the reasons for the race is to assist those who wish to cross the Channel for the first time. This was exactly the case for one of the entrants, Coral Carona, this year and they were very happy. Perfect!’

It has refreshed the spirit of the race, to encourage people to cross the Channel in company.

One prize was presented, The Marie-Jo trophy, to the youngest competitor in the race. This was presented to Jeanne Caraes, who took part with her father and grandfather on Calypso. Four generations of the Caraes family have now taken part in this race.

We were also pleased to welcome the COGS (Cornwall Offshore Group Sailing) Yachts to join the HRSC Helford to L’Aber Wrac’h race this year and hope they will return next year.

The race was preceded by an excellent Champagne recovery party, at HRSC, with great music by The Stowes and a tasty bar-b-que by the Club caterers. Thanks must go to the YCA for the Race reception, the port of L’Aber Wrac’h, and Daniel Dagorn for the YCA Reception photographs. Also to Rob Hewett, Anthony Jenkin and Johnny Walker, those who manned the Start line, and those who arranged and helped with a great Champagne reception.

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