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Percuil Regatta & HRSC Racing
Freya (13) & Lilly (12) had a great day crossing to and competing at the Percuil Regatta Sunday, 25th – results to follow at St Mawes SC. Thanks to their Parents and Tom & Troy for escorting them across! More Pics on St Mawes Face Book Page. Percuil SC and its regatta have been merged into St Mawes SC.
At HRSC on the same day TJ Hart gambled on a full RIG and took first over a TopperTastic holiday maker.
Dinghy Racing
Hi All
We’ll be racing most Thursday evenings and Sundays, subject to weather conditions. All will be welcome and there are club boats available subject to booking.
For this to happen we are going to need volunteers to crew the committee / support boats maybe in some form of rota so we can all get some racing in as well ! If you are interested please contact me.
There will I am afraid a few restrictions to help keep us all safe.
Boats can be ether single handed or crewed by a family group/bubble.
Club boats must have a 72 hour gap between use by different family groups/bubbles, unless the boat and gear has been disinfected by an approved method.
Wind conditions will be restricted to 20mph (force 4 touching 5) max, maybe using xcweather forecast for helford as cut off but final decision should take sea conditions, tides and squalls into account. Also the ability of the sailors should be considered (general we say level 3 standard or above) This is to minimize the need for sailors needing help and reducing the chance of the committee / support boat crew having to put them or others at risk.
The final decision should be made by the race officer taking the above into account and completing the new dinghies risk assessment sheet before each race session .
The towing should be done in a line from the stern of the committee boat if needed ( extra floating line has been put on the rib and fun yak)
Committee / support boat crew should be of the same family group / bubble and be required to sign a declaration to say the understand the risks of maybe having to come into close contact during a rescue situation and the the club has put measures in place to reduce that risk.
We must all keep gatherings below 30 people on land and in groups of no more than 6 people so please give each other space when rigging and launching keeping at least 2m apart.
Hope to see you all out sailing soon
Duncan Skingley
Dinghy Racing: June 25th
Spring Evening Laser Plate Mini Series 1 of 3 Thursday 25th June : Olympic TSL, Wind SSW 3-4
Laser Plate Race 1
Veteran race officer Phil Samuel tasked his stewards with forming an old style Olympic Triangle course in a breeze that blew variously south to north, if not at all on Thursday
Hugo the Hugonaut – so called for his nautical adventures, took the opportunity at Helford’s 2015 Laser Plate miniseries to reprise his performance as a youthful Laser racer on the opposite side of the Channel some 17 years past. When it comes to beating his relation McD, on his own turf, it would not be a piece of cake; so it proved in a fluky evening’s breeze on Thursday.
Our garrulous Gallic guest took great care of Ginnie Sykes sleek Black craft, but of Hugo’s disarming chatter, it was wise to ignore as he scampered after McD; leaving all else behind. Biggsey was performing in fine style as he dinged his way about the Radials to finish fourth behind the Hugonaut.
Of the Juniors, Harry Broad eventually led the radials of his brother Matt Broad, Ben Johns, and Beks Hosking – with only1½ minutes separating them all after near an hour’s close racing. Despite his best efforts, Sam Philpott couldn’t go any faster than his 4.7 would let him. Sam’ s Uncle, Phil, had only got one sail, the right, one and gradually moved up to middle orders.
Beccy Kestin was the distant beacon to which the Radial racers aspired as she increased her lead to near 1½ minutes by the finish of this class. At the final accounting McD led by 22 seconds per lap over Beccy and 27 seconds over Hugo to win overall the first stage of 3.
Overall 1st R McDonald, 2nd R Kestin, 3rd le Hugonaut
Juniors 1st H Broad, 2nd M Broad, 3rd B Johns
Laser Fleet 1st R McDonald, 2nd le Hugonaut, 3rd A Biggs
Radial Fleet 1st R Kestin, 2nd H Broad, 3rd M Broad
Captain Dinghies Andy Biggs thanks all those in support of the fleet on the day
Committee & Safety: Phil Samuel, Andrew Hosking, Chris Broad.
Dinghy Racing: June 14th
Spring Weekend Series Sunday 14th June 2015 : Pursuit North N-NW 3-4
Matt’s Double First
Perfect racing conditions allowed a good laser fleet to closely race in Sunday’s Pursuit. There are four laser classes with representatives in each at Helford. Setting of first was under 18’s Beks Hosking and Sam Philpot in 4.7s, the smallest rigged of the Laser class, relentlessly battled it out with each other throughout, but a tad underpowered for the day being caught by everyone except their parents.
Had Beks & Sam powered up with the larger Radial rigs of Matt Broad and Beccy Kestin, then the entire parent and senior’s fleet would have been routed by the Junior section. Matt & Beccy gave each other no quarter and fought to the head of the fleet where they stayed for the best part of the race – only seriously threatened at the final mark by Roger McDonald – otherwise distracted by extraordinarily interesting varieties of seaweed wrapped around his foils.
Starting at the pace of a Broccoli planter, team Hosken & Hosking were a little late to the line in their Laser 2 ; occasionally able to show their potential with spinnaker hoisted on the shifty reach’s; not enough consistent wind for the trapeze artist Chris to get parallel in his harness.
Biggs and Brooks went a toing and froing with each other, McD teasingly wandering into and out of their sights as they fell into the Doldrums especially around the melee at Voose. Beaming parents Chris & Emma Broad in Safety boat were delighted to see Matt cross the line to take a double first – Overall and of the Juniors
Overall: 1st M Broad, 2nd R Kestin, 3rd R McDonald,
Juniors: 1st M Broad, 2nd R Hosking, 3rd S Philpott.
Captain Dinghies Andy Biggs thanks all those in support of the fleet on the day
Safety Boat & Photography: Chris & Emma Broad