Yacht Race Results | 2 May 2018

Pictures © Chris Hosken

Perfect sailing weather. Looked like it might be too breezy though so 3/4 boats elected not to fly their kites. Dragun was brave and used their spinnaker to stretch ahead on the first downwind leg. Closer racing between the 3 remaining boats. A fight for the line between Avocet and Mawgawr with Avocet strongly defending their on-starboard line. Great racing.

Results as of 11:15 on May 9, 2018

One Design Fleet

Sailed: 1, Discards: 0, To count: 1, Entries: 5, Scoring system: Appendix A
1stOne DesignDragunHunter 7077103Charles Richardson11.0      1.01.0
2ndOne DesignAvocetHunter 7077072Gough12.0      2.02.0
3rdOne DesignMawgawrHunter 707GBR 2703 RSmith13.0      3.03.0
4thOne DesignGrumpyHunter 7077057Pascoe/Dudley14.0      4.04.0
5thOne DesignMiss MoneypennyHunter 7077007Ed Bolitho15.0 DNS      5.05.0

R1 – One Design Fleet – 2 May 2018 at 18:30

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
1One DesignDragunHunter 7077103Charles Richardson111.0
2One DesignAvocetHunter 7077072Gough122.0
3One DesignMawgawrHunter 707GBR 2703 RSmith133.0
4One DesignGrumpyHunter 7077057Pascoe/Dudley144.0
5One DesignMiss MoneypennyHunter 7077007Ed Bolitho1DNS5.0

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