Your Social Calendar for January 2023
Click through to see what’s on so far this January! We look forward to seeing you at the club.
Click through to see what’s on so far this January! We look forward to seeing you at the club.
Last weekend’s cruise in company to Fowey was most enjoyable despite the lack of wind on Friday and Saturday.
Friday’s gentle float in the sunshine was very pleasant and we all had a very good afternoon and evening in Fowey, all looking lovely in the evening light.
Many thanks to those of you who joined us and commiserations to those who had to cancel at the last minute for various social and work obligations. We will certainly repeat the venture later in the summer.
I will be away cruising in Brittany for the rest of this month but if anyone wishes to organise a cruise in my absence that would be great.
Let’s hope for good sailing weather in the weeks to come.
Nick Gough
Captain Yachts
The Commodore and Committee would like to say a big ‘THANK YOU’ to everyone who gave up their time to make yesterday’s Regatta Day so successful.
Those who contributed to the teas or helped to prepare, serve and clear them up. Those who drove the liberty boats to bring the racing crews to and from their boats. Those who put up and took down the marquee. Those who helped out with Regatta administration.
In fact everyone who was involved.
We do appreciate your help – thank you.
As many of you will be aware the tidal surge, caused by Storm Emma on 1st March, caused a lot of damage to the pontoon, the heart of the Club’s infrastructure. Then, the following day, a tree trunk was swept under the seaward pontoon. I am pleased to confirm that our insurers and the underwriters have reported that the loss is recoverable and have no objection to us authorising Falmouth Divers to commence work on the repairs, which we hope will start on Monday 26th March.
However the Club will be paying for elements considered to be part of general maintenance. Therefore we will be organising fundraising events to contribute towards this extra expenditure throughout the year.
I am pleased to see that our new stewards Alex and Patrizia are settling in so well. They are both good chefs and I am encouraged to see the Club is now busy with Members enjoying their food and drink.
I would like to thank all the Committee members for their support and hard work and wish all Members a successful and enjoyable year on and off the water.
John Bolitho Commodore
The August Rock buoy Fl green 5sec is now back on station after its winter overhaul. It has been moved slightly [50 metres] and an update for waypoint purposes will be published soon.
The winter gales do cause concern and we have put down a new mooring block with eye and new chain with welded shackles, expensive but very necessary.
John Head
Helford River Navigational Aids Committee.
The Club has one Drying Mooring suitable for boats up to 22ft available for rental. It’s situated a short distance from the end of the Club pontoon and will dry out on a big spring tide.
The cost is £440 for the forthcoming season.
If you are interested in renting this mooring please give me a call in the Club office on 01326 231006 or email [email protected] to express your interest.
Thank you
Here is our winter menu for Friday and Saturday nights as we make our way through winter. Click Read More.